small world...

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small world...

Postby marie-elena (ferracano) r » Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:59 am

hello Old & New friends,

It's been a while since I posted last. But recently I got to help celebrate My brother Patrick's 70th birthday. We had a great time. So glad to hang out w/ his wife, daughters & grandkids. While having lunch with a co-worker, I mention "Archer St".Once again, It's a small world. She asked me if i knew the Malones/Harringtons.My friend Carol has been bowling with Mary for 40+ years. I had to explain that the Harringtons & the Ferracano's go way back. My mom told us the story, many times. how she came up from harlem, w/ 2 little babies looking for an apartment. That she was a naive young woman. Who had such wonderful women who helped her, grow up. mom at the time was grieiving for her mom, that had just died. Also for missing my dad, who was fighting in WW2. They taught her stuff from the proper way to hang you wash on the clothesline, shared recipes & other housewives tips. they watched their children grow up & the neighborhood go through a lot. Today we hardly know our neighbors names. When my husband or i do something for a neighbor, these days. Its such a big deal to some of them they are taken back that people care & look out for 1 another. Which makes me smile & then I let them know that where i grew up. Helping your neighbor was like breathing. You just did it & never thought why! Just had to share this.
marie-elena (ferracano) r
Posts: 152
Joined: Sat May 26, 2007 7:30 am

Re: small world...

Postby Les Sherwood » Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:49 pm

Thank you for a very nice and interesting story. i did not know that your farher was in WW11. We need to thank those who were in this war,as well the other wars, like the korean and vietnam, etc. We owe them a special thanks for their efforts in a very difficult time.
I recently reread Tom Bokaw's "The Great Generation" and his f/u book Recollections of those who part were part of that generation. like your father they were part of that generation. It was not an easy time for those who went through the Great Depression and Ww11. But thankfully they so did so well and we enjoyed the benfits of their sacrifices and their hard work.
Good bless America and those who contributed for their accomplishments.
Les Sherwood
Posts: 173
Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2007 9:12 pm

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