Sad News

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Re: Sad News

Postby MaureenBo » Sun Mar 21, 2010 11:19 am

I remember Ms. Farrell! She taught my sister piano or a few lessons and she taught our music class at St. Anthony's in the mid 80's. I always remember that she wore a long braid and she had these cool clothes -- a matching skirt and vest that she told me she made herself. They were reversible so one side was a kind of pink and I forget the other color but to my child's mind it was AWESOME. I just loved that she made it herself and was fascinated by the fact you could reverse it. :) She would play piano while we sang in the gym. It was fun. I'm so sad to hear of her passing:( God bless her, she was a nice lady.
I went to St. Anthony's School from 1977 through 1984. (Teachers: Miss Fair, Miss Andrea, Miss DeRosa, Miss Casey, Miss Caulfield, Miss Kanarski, Sister Kevin.) Lived at 1534 Beach until April 1990.
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Re: Sad News

Postby Marion Farrell Cronin » Sun Mar 21, 2010 5:41 pm

Maureen, thank you so much for that. I laughed out loud and so did my husband because we remember well my mother's home-made outfits. I have had to go through those as I clear out her things and you can be sure that I have kept some of them

Being that we were somewhat poor - wasn't everyone in the old neighborhood? - my mother got the idea to make her clothes and mine as well from an aunt who was quite accomplished at sewing. Mom bought a used singer sewing machine from the store in Parkchester. I have that machine and it's still wonderful) and she went to town with the sewing!

Hope all is well with you and your family.

Marion Farrell Cronin
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Re: Sad News

Postby Cindy » Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:11 am

Hello Marian. I'm so sorry for your loss. I always wondered what happened with Mrs. Farrell? She was my music teacher at St. Anthony's from the 1st-8th grades. Occasionally, I'll find myself humming, or singing a tune she taught us. I remember seeing her, with her glasses, and her long hair in a braid. I was so grateful to her. She taught us the Hallelujah chorus in class. When I got to high school, I knew it by heart for the choir's concert. I also got to sing it in my university's choir.

After I graduated from St. Anthony's, I went on to Spellman. Your brother was my teacher, during my freshman and junior years. I learned so much from him. I still remember my first week of class (freshman year). He was absent. Then, he finally came, and told us, how happy he was that his wife had just given birth to their first child. Wow. She must be a young adult by now.
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