Help a friend from the old neighborhood

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Help a friend from the old neighborhood

Postby JohnTell » Thu Jul 22, 2010 7:35 am

...Tommy McElroy(Fish)a good man who I know for over 50 years...

...$10, $20 or more would help a great deal...the goal is securing a special car equipped with hand controlled devices that allows a paralyzed person to drive...

John Tell

"...In 2005 Tommy fell at work from a scaffold that broke beneath him, resulting in paralysis from the waist down. What a shock it was to find out he would never walk again...he never asked, Why me? Instead he picked up the pieces and tried to live life as he normally would. Unable to work, he immersed himself in volunteer work, helping others, and his family.

Tommy recently completed driver training at the Kessler Hospital . We are now looking into securing a special car equipped with hand controlled devices ( including brakes ) that allows a paralyzed person to drive. Those of you who know Tommy know that he is probably the hardest working man you've ever met. He wants nothing more than to get back into the workplace and feel that sense of accomplishment again..."
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