Great Blackout of 1965

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Great Blackout of 1965

Postby Les Sherwood » Tue Mar 17, 2009 1:32 pm

[code][/code]In response to post on subway experience by Kay Rogan Moore told us of her experience during the “Great Blackout of 1965.” What an experience! Could you believe that the whole electrical grid went down? How many people were trapped in elevators, the subways, etc? Or th ey had unusual experinces due the blackout.
I think that a great subject to stand alone as a Post.
I know that most of you were just teeny-bobbers or even younger. But I think many had unique experiences and maybe many could relate experiences of relatives.
And then again there was another blackout around 1978? I did not live in NY at that time so I did not have any first hand experience.
What do you think? A good idea?
Les Sherwood
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Re: Great Blackout of 1965

Postby Tom Anderson » Tue Mar 17, 2009 1:36 pm

Some great stories. Fortunately/Unfortunately(depends on my memory), I was in the USN stationed in Rhode Island when the "65 Blackout occured. It was strange as I watched from the deck of "my" ship as all the lights dimmed and went dark. No party just left for a cruise

Tom Anderson
Tom Anderson
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Re: Great Blackout of 1965

Postby pgirty » Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:03 pm

Luckily everyone was home and we were helping my mother get dinner when the lights went out. My sister Mary and I were dispatched with candles for my grandmother living on Archer Street. It was eerie walking through the streets but there was a full moon that illuminated the dark streets. The scariest was going back up the stairwell at 1574 in the dark.

I was in NY for the 1977 blackout but luckily got a ride uptown to 99th Street from the Village. The next day I had to walk from 99th to West 4th Street because the subways weren't running. Patty
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Re: Great Blackout of 1965

Postby Kathleen » Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:44 pm

This is a fun topic, makes us think a bit. For the 1965 blackout, I was at my grandmother's on Thieriot Avenue, had gone over there for dinner. She always seemed to have "special" food so I enjoyed going over there. When the lights went out, I remember she lit some candles and I lay on her couch and listened to her tell me some great stories (although at the time I probably thought they were pretty boring...remember, I was 13 years old). My brother, Jimmy, came and picked me up and we had to walk down 7 flights of stairs since the elevator was out of order. This is where my facts are not so clear...I remember sitting at our kitchen table studying by candlelight for final exams. I don't know if it was this night or another time the power might have gone out. I was not living in NY in 1977, but I remembered my father always joked that he caused that blackout when he blew out the candles on his birthday cake. I just checked and that blackout did indeed occur on his birthday, July 13th!!

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Re: Great Blackout of 1965

Postby Marion Farrell Cronin » Thu Mar 26, 2009 5:02 pm

For the '65 blackout, I remember my brother and I were watching either the Flinstones or Superman. The TV started acting funny - remember how on the old TVs, the picture would get smaller and smaller if there was a problem. Well, the picture degraded to a thumb size image - then it came back on for a second or two. Then boom, that was it. Everything went out.

Fortunately, my father's train was at a station when it happened, so he hung out in a bar for a while - then finally found his way home. Not sure how. Probably by bus or cab.

For the "77 blackout, Mike and I were "dating". I was supposed to meet him in Manhattan the next day. (Guess I took the express bus). Being that I wanted to look my best, I was furious that I could not use my blow dryer for my hair. In heat and humidity, my hair does not do well. I guess Mike did not notice that I looked atrocious or was too polite to say otherwise, cause here we are - still together after 32 years.
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Re: Great Blackout of 1965

Postby Les Sherwood » Thu Mar 26, 2009 7:36 pm

The test of many that convinced you and Mike were the one. Besides time there the Blackout of 1977.
Great story.

I was looking over the Posts of the lasT LAST Year and was I amazed by the post of Pat (Jacob) Abbamonte and that it had [u][b]4,657 readings and 138 responses[/b][/u]. This has been one of the most popular post on the website, at least in the top five. Kudos tto Pat and to the responses.
Over the last few days a quite of hours reading and rereadingf this posts. We are very to have such to have a great website like this . thanks again to Mike and you.
This gives me more incentive to write more posts even though that I could not duplicate the great success of Pa't's .
All the bst.

In the archives there are many great stories which I am in process of rereading. I think it would be a great idea that we reprint some of them like Pat's.
When I get to gether with many of my friehds from the old neighborhood we retell some of the stories, and we laugh as much as the retelling.
Maybe th is is one of the beneficial hings of getting a "little" older.
Les Sherwood
Posts: 173
Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2007 9:12 pm

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