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Postby marie-elena (ferracano) r » Sat Mar 14, 2009 10:21 pm

Hello Old & New friends,
It is so nice to see Stevie & his Bungolow bar Ice Cream truck. Last night a friend reminded me that Spring, is right around the corner. For me, not soon enough. So we were talking about summertime vacation. How I miss hearing Stevie ringing his bell. Most of the time. He didn't have to ring it too much. You could hear the kids around the corner on Taylor Ave, calling up to their mothers. So you knew, in a few minutes, Stevie, was on his way.

So dearest Webmaster, thank you for changing the front page. It's so nice to see someone , that will always bring a smile. Not just to my face, but many others. Sorry to say. These days, my kids & others, don't know the person selling ice cream, from any truck. We have a regular truck by Wilkinson Park. I have purchased ice cream, soda & other stuff from the same lady, for years. I asked my neighbors who are regulars there. Especially the handball people. No one knows the lady in the truck's name. My husband & I are on 1st name basis, with our mailman & U.P.S. delivery man. My sons & my neighbor, think this is so weird. Because nobody esle seems to care. When I was a kid on Beach Ave. My mom called the mailman,milkman, bleach guy, Fuller brush man and the guy who use to deliver the soda, by their first names. We had Doc Adler, the Pharmist, around the corner. Sometimes I wonder, if we were nicer to each other back then. Or people today, just don't what it was like to be raised in such a caring neighborhood. Like our Stratton Park.
marie-elena (ferracano) r
Posts: 152
Joined: Sat May 26, 2007 7:30 am


Postby JohnTell » Fri Mar 20, 2009 7:10 am


I am gazing out the window this fine Spring morn pondering your question about Summer being oh so near...lo and behold what do my sleepy eyes see...


Must be global warming....<:~)

JohnT :shock:
Posts: 185
Joined: Sun Apr 29, 2007 1:15 pm


Postby regina buckley emilio » Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:40 pm

john, the snow reminded me that the year i got married, it snowed right around St. Pat's Day. Which then reminded me that there is a bakery on Forest Avenue right off the highway that makes delicious Irish Soda Bread. Family owned for 4 generations, even though they are Italian. They also make the best Napolean cakes you can find. Anyway, i bought an Irish Soda Bread for the holiday, and my kids devoured it. usually, they make faces that its too dry. Delicious. The name of the bakery is Renata's or Rosado's. I forget but it'sa bout 3 blocks away from Richmond Avenue but headed right if you come from the mall. You make a right on to Forest Avenue and it is one block away from Orsini's Dinettes also on Forest.
regina buckley emilio
Posts: 31
Joined: Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:06 pm


Postby marie-elena (ferracano) r » Sun Mar 29, 2009 1:18 pm

Greetings, Regina,

So glad you found a great bakery that makes "Irish soda bread". I decided to try my hand at making it this year. I was lucky that Cathy Meredino emailed me a wonderful receipe. I love try new recipes. Not only did my family love it. ( my husband usually complains that it's too dry, also!) but my co-workers inhaled the 2 loaves that i brought to work. Some of us, may not have been born "IRISH". But we have been blessed to have been born & raised in Stratton Park. What always confused me as a kid. If we weren't Irish, why were my siblings named Patrick & Geraldine? Stay safe & happy old & new friends. I'm off to keep warm, while baking. On this chilly gray Sunday.
marie-elena (ferracano) r
Posts: 152
Joined: Sat May 26, 2007 7:30 am


Postby JohnTell » Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:42 pm

Regina...I'll have to try it next year...thanks for the"heads up"...

JohnT :shock:
Posts: 185
Joined: Sun Apr 29, 2007 1:15 pm

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