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CLICK "Stratton Park" ABOVE for Information & History about Stratton Park - Just like always!!!!!!!

Postby Linda Hall » Thu Jun 14, 2007 6:14 am

Hi Marion you one of da sista chicks too.We have ta let ya in da wizard of oz thing we still play hahahahha.Well Marion as I play around I am getting to be a pro at the new site sooooo easy once you get the hang of it and I agree with you I too like seeing the topics they are alot of fun and of course no spam.I just wish we would get a new friend to stop by don't you? I quess in time we will get a surprise.I had so much fun in one of my posts used every smile face.Got a big kick out of it!
Linda Hall
Posts: 80
Joined: Tue May 01, 2007 8:43 pm

Postby Marion Farrell Cronin » Thu Jun 14, 2007 5:39 pm

Linda, I know it's frustrating but many people are registering so it's only a matter of time before someone hits the "new topic" button - perhaps someone we haven't heard from in a while. Keep the faith, baby!!!
Marion Farrell Cronin
Posts: 209
Joined: Sat Apr 21, 2007 8:44 am
Location: World Wide Web - via Bronx, NY

Postby Pat (Jacob) Abbamonte » Mon Jun 18, 2007 2:36 pm

Hi Linda, Cathy, Marion, Claire, Betty and any and all else who are watching or listening out here in cyber-land :lol: Linda you will be ashamed of me (it just took me about 20 minutes to find this topic again)... :oops: Everything you taught me seems to have disappeared in a rather large "Senior Moment" :roll: I think I have been dying my hair blonde for so long it has finally hit madula oblongota (I sure hope that is a term for the large portion of the brain - if not, you will understand why and how I forgot how to use this website AGAIN !) :lol: Anyway - hope this finds you all well and looking forward to the Picnic. As I have shared before with some of you Fred and I can't make it but we are going to try to make the St. Anthony's Reunion... How do I get to the information on that guys.??? Iclicked on it on the top of this page and got nothing so obviously I was clicking the wrong place at the wrong time (story of my life :lol: )
The picnic this year sounds like it is really going to be fun, with the added excitement of seeing lots of old friends and new faces too... I have talked privately with lots of people older and younger from the old neighborhood and seems like many different age catagories and crowds are planning to show up. Let me share a little that I was uneasy about attending the picnic two years ago because it had been thirty years almost since I have seen most of you guys ! WOW! But let me assure anyone with the same insecurities I had WE ARE ALL GETTING OLDER AND GAINING BODY PARTS AND LOSING BODY PARTS (sometimes we are just misplacing the body parts :lol: but after you are greeted with the smiles and welcoming hearts of all those you see - you are shortly transported back those thirty years and see your childhood friends as they were then. Viewing each other from your heart and not your eyes so much.. WISHING YOU ALL A BEAUTIFUL DAY (we had one two years back) and Lots of fun strolling down memory lane with old friends... It's amazing how many things you remember when others are there to fuel the fire in your minds eye of "Yesterday"... Best to all as always -
Regards and Best To all Always,

Pat (Jacob) Abbamonte
Posts: 73
Joined: Tue May 01, 2007 8:22 am

Postby Marion Farrell Cronin » Mon Jun 18, 2007 2:55 pm

Patsy, the St. Anthony's reunion info should be on top of the home page when you first sign on - there is a link to take you to the reunion page and under that is a link for the Congers picnic info. It's very confounding because not everyone is seeing the same thing when they sign on and it's difficult to fix unless you are physically sitting at that person's computer! But nevertheless, Mike is trying to work out all the kinks and eventually he will be successful.

Marion Farrell Cronin
Posts: 209
Joined: Sat Apr 21, 2007 8:44 am
Location: World Wide Web - via Bronx, NY

Postby Pat (Jacob) Abbamonte » Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:42 am

Hi Marion:

Thank you so much for your instant reply :D I did see the St. Anthony's Reunion on my computer but when I clicked on it all it did was blink and not go anywhere. I don't need the information right away so I will be patient until Mike makes his changes and then I will try again. It is probably not the webpage as much as it is me. I am only on the computer for a couple of months now and very new to all that I am seeing. I can email and do a few little things and that is about it :lol: Thank God for my daughter she is the one who helps me all the time with computer problems. I am learning but it is slow go because as you say it is hard to coach someone when you are not in front of THEIR computer. Thank you though and have a great day. I will keep trying and also will ask Tricia (my daughter) to lend a hand when she comes over. I better it is staring me right in the face and I just haven't figured out what to hit next. (As you can tell this has been a common problem for a newbee like me). Thanks again hon. Best Always - love this website...
Regards and Best To all Always,

Pat (Jacob) Abbamonte
Posts: 73
Joined: Tue May 01, 2007 8:22 am


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