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Postby Les Sherwood » Sat Nov 24, 2012 6:41 pm

Hi all
I just started to read again the great posts from the 2003-4 period. Then I will later years.
we were lucky to have so many people contributing interesting memories and stories. I wish they would continue but it seems the website lost some of its luster. hopefully we can rekindle partipation.
What were your most interesting stories re what you read or inputted?
I want to add some of them to our 2nd edition ("Ed Stack's Legact to Rams and Archer st.)which i will do in a few months.
As you know we are trying to help St anthony's financial problems. many of you comment how you recived a great elementary education there and apprecuated sisters likedb Sister Laborae and priests like Fr Alessandro.
We are using the book to generate money to pass on donations to St Anthony's to alleviate the problems and continue the fine catholic education and help reduce the cycle of poverty whcih as i see is a breeding ground of crime.
So far we sent $750 to St. Anthony. i know it is not much as the problen is large. but as more parishioners hears about it we feel they will get interested. in the movie "Field of Dreams" the actor said: "if you build a stadium the people will come to view..." Hopefully we can build a similar " field of dreans" and make the dream a reality of helping St Anthony's.
if you are interested please my address. Thank you for your cosideration and all the best to you and yours. Please Keep the St Anthony dream of continuing a solid education for scholarships in Ed's legacy and former parichioners.
Les sherwood(
31 Church Lane, madison Ct. 06443
Les Sherwood
Posts: 173
Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2007 9:12 pm

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