Proud St. Anthony's Altar Trivia

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Proud St. Anthony's Altar Trivia

Postby Eddie Acunzo » Tue Jul 17, 2007 4:01 pm


I read John Tell's post from a few day's ago concerning St. Anthony's own website, so I wrote to it to pose a question. Almost fifty years ago, after the Vatican changed the Mass from Latin to English, and reversed the Atlar so that the priest now faced the faithful rather than having his back to them, my father was a Church deacon at the time, as well as president of the local woodworking hobby club, located around the corner from Sylvani's bike shop on Tremont, on the second floor above the laundramat. Anyway, dad built the Church's new Altar and all of the Altar furniture including the priest's chair, four other altar chairs, and the priest's pulpit from which he'd give Sunday's sermon. I wondered about the fate of that handmade furniture, as I always found it an interesting tribute to my own father to serve Mass as an altar boy (before I was kicked out) on the altar that my own father had built. If you've served Mass in that Church since the Vatican Eccumenical Counsel, you served Mass from dad's altar as well. So I addressed my inquiry to JohnT's website, "What ever happened to Dad's handmade oak furniture?" The question was graciously answered by St. Anthony's present principal, Ms. Acosta. She sent me a set of five pictures that showed Dad's work still adorns St. Anthony's altar today, and now includes brass commemorative plaques that say "In Memory of Thomas C. Acunzo." I cried like I was five years old. She is going to ask the pastor to mention my father's name in this Sunday's Mass. He's been dead for almost forty years, and he's still my hero.
Eddie Acunzo
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Postby mike cronin » Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:36 pm


That was a GREAT story!!! I always thought the altar was very cleverly made - as it was mounted on the steps in front of the old altar.

At some point, they replaced that altar with a one that was more table like. The old one was stored in the Altar Boys side of the sacristy for years! It might still be there for all I know!

Your father must have been very proud to have his handiwork used by the parish - and it is a testament to him that this furniture is still in use!


PS - If you send me copies of the photos, I'll post them on the website
Stratton Park - the best place to grow up!!!
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Postby JohnTell » Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:56 pm

Eddie...thanks for a great story... :)

JohnT :shock:
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Two Caveats to the Altar story

Postby Eddie Acunzo » Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:02 pm

My father's constant companion at the hobby shop and co-creator of the Altar furniture was Pat Werner, husband of Florie, and father of Pam and Kenny. They were forever working on projects together. and helped each other build furniture for our apartments. I just heard from the Werners who are both still living and monitor this site, so you better be good! They added a very interesting twist to this story that I never knew. Pat recalls that to commemorate the death of a neighborhood kid who was killed in Vietnam, he and my Dad scratched either the initials or name of our proud veteran into either the bottom of one of the altar chairs, or the altar itself in order to honor him. My Dad was a Purple Heart recipient during WWII, and I think Pat was a WWII vet as well. I'm going to ask Ms. Acosta, the principal if it's possible to retrieve that historic information for us.

Eddie Acunzo
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Postby Eddie Acunzo » Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:52 pm


I e-mailed the pictures that Ms. Acosta sent me to the info@strattonpark e-mail address. It would be great if you'd post them. I hope we'll be able to find out what neighborhood vietnam vet is honored on the furniture as well. I never knew that bit of trivia till today, and I bet no one else knew it either except Pat Werner, and he can't remember who it was! Life is full of interesting twists and turns, isn't it? After we get the initials or name, of course I'll post them. If it's initials, we may need our collective thinking caps to connect the name to the vet's initials. It will be early to mid sixties.

Eddie Acunzo
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Postby Marion Farrell Cronin » Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:08 pm

Eddie, when I was in third or fourth grade, my classmate, Kathy Bellwood, had a brother who was killed in Vietnam. Could it have be he?
Marion Farrell Cronin
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Postby Karenmancof » Wed Jul 18, 2007 9:08 am

I think that I can add some info about the altar. In 1968 Danny Meade was killed in Vietnam during the Tet offensive. A group of his friends, including John Hynes, my fiance, collected money to create a memorial for Danny. There was a plaque on the lecturn (I think) that had Danny's name on it. Later Dennis Russo and Richie Bellwood were also killed and their names were added. Unfortunately John also passed away in 1969. The altar had very special meaning to a lot of people in the neighborhood.

Eddie, I didn't remember that your father built the altar but I do remember your parents and the Werners. You might not remember me but my brother, Fran Donnelly, was in your brother's class.

Karen Manning
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Postby Eddie Acunzo » Mon Jul 23, 2007 6:22 pm


Ms. Acosta, St. Anthony's principal sent me pictures of the initials carved on the underside of an Altar chair. Sorry to say I can't read them. I've forwarded these pictures on to several members of this website to see if they have any better luck reading them. Pat Werner, who helped my dad make this furniture for St. Anthony's, remembers as best he can the initials to be what Karen Manning reported above. If anyone has better luck reading the pictures and can confirm, please share with the website. It does seem to be multiple sets of initials. Thanks to Ms. Frances Acosta for taking the trouble to do this for us. Karen, I sent you and your brother's regards to my sister-in-law on my brother Tom's behalf. Thank You.

Eddie Acunzo
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Postby Linda Hall » Sun Jul 29, 2007 7:00 pm

Hello Eddie and the rest of Stratton Park friends.How are you all?I do hope good.Anyway Eddie I called Mrs.Acosta the principal of St.Anthony's to see if I could examine the chair on the alter for you.Anyway Mrs.Acosta told me that there is a bar across the initials maybe it was put there when the chair was made or it was some how broken and fixed covering the initials under it.So the chair would have to be taken apart to really know the other initials.I tryed,anyway I talked to her and she told me of the events leading up to her taking over St.Anthony's as principal.She lived across the other side of the Cross Bronx Express Way when she was a child and went to a church called St.Joan Of Ark.I myself did not know of this church and she did not know of St.Anthony's as she said she never ventured out of her neighborhood.Well as it turns out when she was older and became a teacher she needed a job and St.Anthony's needed a teacher.She called the school and Sista Cathrine told her she was in walking distance.She was amazed to find out this church was ever there and as it turns out she said it was actually her parish but unaware of that. She then went over and she started her teaching in St.Anthony's.Sista Cathrine was ready to retire and asked Mrs.Acosta to take her position as principal I quess Sista felt strongly about her ability to do the task so she did.She has been there sixteen yrs. now and loves it and St.Anthony's.She is also responsible for the St.Anthony's on Mansion Street website she told me to enroll which I did.Anyway I asked if any nuns were in the school she said no just teachers.I also asked about the convent she said it was being used as office space I felt sort of badly to think they were all gone but it must keep the place going money wise.Well she invited me over anytime to check out the school and all I would love to see that mystery behind the alter tunnel Freddy that was great by the way I too was on the edge of my chair reading it great story for sure and Eddie you must be very proud of dad.I am glad it is a nice memorial to him and your family.Well all have a remaining great summer and stay safe and keep the faith.Thanks for all the memories Linda Hall :)
Linda Hall
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