Altar Experience

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Altar Experience

Postby Les Sherwood » Tue Feb 17, 2009 3:34 pm

Altar Boys-
This is a brief anecdote about an experiencewitrh Fr Scully I had as altar boy. I am pretty sure that he viewed himself as a Patrician among the plebians of the parish. With his fine patent leather shoes with taps he sauntered around the church like the prince of the church that I am sure he craved. I know he reached Monsignor but not sure if he got to a Prince/Bishop. He had all the attributes of a Bishop. He had great ambitions including making St Anthony’s a hall mark of his view of what the Bronx should look under his reign. Let’s face he saw that the parish got a new school and convent, and a new gym floor. However, while we did learn to dance on it with Mrs. Shields, I don’t think we played many games of basketball on it.
I joined the Altar Boy in the 6th grade, which in some ways was a rite of passage in a Catholic School. I learned to mumble with the best in Latin, highlighting the cums, etc. During the 7th grade I got away from attending a while. However, I wanted to get back in so I could go on the boat ride to Rye Beach amusement park which the Altars boys went each year.
I went to next meeting and Fr Alessandro asked the group why I wanted to get back in: “Was that I only wanted to go on boat ride?” Fr. Alessandro had a nice way of saying things and getting to the truth; in my mid he was a saint and a very good person. He let me in back but he gave me some penance: a week of serving mass in convent which was at 6 AM and with the sisters situated so close to altar that one could reach over and mete corporal punishment if an altar boy made a mistake. Fr. Alessandro knew how to mete out penance. But that was not all.
Then I was assigned to serve with Fr. Scully (in his black new Chrysler what was great) at the Cloisters on 138th street. Now this was an interesting experience but a really creepy one. When we went into the convent I felt like I was going into a haunted house. It was very dark and scary. I was so nervous that I was following Fr Scully all over like a shadow. I started to follow him into another room. He then turned around and asked me in his imperious manner: “Can’t I go to the bathroom without you following me?” He was a great guy to around!
Why couldn’t we get more priests like Fr Alesandro?
It would be interesting to hear more stories about Altar Boys. Now it is interesting to see girls serving mass these days.
Les Sherwood
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Re: Altar Experience

Postby mary lamasney » Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:50 pm

My memory of Monsigneur Scully. Sunday mass - it is very hot and Jimmy Galvin was the altar boy. He turned on the big fan on the alter without asking permission. Scully stopped mass - turned around in front of everyone present and screamed at Jimmy Galvin. Time stopped - no one moved and we all felt embarassed for the altar boy and more afraid of Scully. I was in 6th grade and I knew that was no way for a priest to behave. He died soon after that from a massive heart attack. No one missed him and we were rewarded with the wonderful Monsigneur Coleman who was a truly graceful and kind character. Mary Lamasney
mary lamasney
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Re: Altar Experience

Postby Marion Farrell Cronin » Wed Feb 18, 2009 3:50 pm

Mary, if something like that happened these days, I am sure the people in the congregation would give the priest a good tongue lashing, probably during the Mass!
Marion Farrell Cronin
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Re: Altar Experience

Postby JohnTell » Sun Feb 22, 2009 8:29 am experience "on the altar" was very fact I never quite made it onto the a 6th grader I looked forward to becoming an altar boy probably for the same reason you gave, a trip to Bear Mountain!!!

Not quite sure if it was the first meeting of the new altar boys but it was certainly no more than the second...I do know it was right after the report cards were given cards were not exactly a good reference for my resume to be of service to Mother Church...<;~)

I walked into the basement of the rectory with my latin card in hand ready to learn this strange language of the ancients...unfortunately for me, at this point I was unceremonously asked to leave by none other then the good and kindly Reverend Father Grogan...he didn't say much, just pointed to the door and in a not very charitable manner simply said, "GET OUT"...

I am still working on getting over that rejection, my only "experience" of being an altar boy...<:~(

JohnT :shock:
Last edited by JohnTell on Mon Feb 23, 2009 7:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Altar Experience

Postby Kathleen » Sun Feb 22, 2009 4:16 pm


I think Harry has shared this story with us on numerous occasions. I was never able to understand why you were turned down in your desire to be an altar boy. You always struck me as being so angelic!

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Re: Altar Experience

Postby JohnTell » Mon Feb 23, 2009 7:02 am

Thanks always were a nice kid, unlike that HAROLD character....<:~)

...But "angelic" sure if many of the good Sisters of Charity would agree with that...maybe Sister Cornelius, but that would be a long shot too...<:~)

Unlike many who shall remain nameless on this board, I never did gain admittance into the "Goody-Two Shoes" club...<;~)

JohnT :shock:
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