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Postby info » Tue Apr 24, 2007 6:54 pm

Rules - Terms and Conditions
Welcome to the Message Boards

The purpose of these Message Boards are to:

1- Reminisce about growing up and living in Stratton Park

2- Record the History of Stratton Park

3- Keep in touch with old friends from Stratton Park while making new

4- Keep members apprised of upcoming events pertaining to Stratton

These Message Boards are your opportunity to talk about Stratton Park, and topics related to the area. We value the time and effort you take in posting to the Message Boards and our preference is to use the lightest possible touch in regulating or editing the content of posts or the privileges of members.

Having said that, however, we do have a responsibility to enforce certain minimum standards to assure that the Message Boards are open, fair, and respectful of the people who choose to post here. Understanding and complying with there terms and conditions of participation, which follow, are the responsibility of every participant.

User Names

Before you can post a message, you must register with Upon registration, you are given the opportunity to establish a user name. This user name acts as a unique and consistent identifier, and serves as your identity on the forums. The user names allow members to get to know one another, making it easier to provide assistance and share relevant information. Please note that your user name is tied to other information about you, so that while you control your level of anonymity to other posters, the administrators and owners of will be able to identify you by your posts. We will delete user names which are profane or may confuse your identity with prior members.

You Be the Judge

NEVER rely on information or opinions exchanged via the forums to replace the information that you receive from other sources. It is important to remember that much of the content on the forum is based on individual opinion, and you do not know what biases or individual interests each poster may have. is founded on the principles of support, empowerment, information and entertainment. Use good personal judgment when considering how to utilize information derived from the forums. Remember that what's right for one person may not be what's right for you.

Welcome Newcomers

It takes a few weeks to learn the language, pace, and etiquette of posting on any message board. When new members start to participate, please do not ridicule them or their posts, or criticize them needlessly. A little courtesy and assistance will go a long way.

Guard Your Privacy

We encourage you to keep personal information personal. Do you really want to put your address or telephone number on If you want to share your personal information with another member of the community, it is generally best to do so via a private email.

Actions That Will Compel Intervention

Personal attacks

We invite and encourage a healthy exchange of opinions. If you disagree with an opinion or idea expressed by another member or the host, by all means, challenge the opinion or idea - not the person. Personal attacks on individuals, insults and "flaming" will not be tolerated and will be removed. You may challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully.

Do not retaliate or respond in any way to a personal attack that you perceive to be directed at yourself or another Stratton Park member. All too often, when an initial attack is levied, others join the fray and instead of becoming part of the solution, they become part of the problem. If you feel that you have been the recipient of a personal attack, submit the post to a site moderator.

Also, please keep in mind that shouting online (typing in all capital letters LIKE THIS) is considered by some to be rude and difficult to read.

Offensive Language/Material

Any posts containing communications that are knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, obscene, profane, threatening, harassing, offensive, vulgar, abusive, hateful or bashing -- especially those aimed at ~~ orientation, gender, race, color, religious views, national origin, or disability - will not be tolerated and will be removed. Posts that contain explicit, obscene or vulgar images, or links to such images, will be removed without notice.
Condoning of Illegal Activity

Posts that condone illegal activity will be removed without notice and accounts subject to deletion. Illegal Activity includes posting information or instructions for hacking, attacking, or in other way damaging or deleting material from our or other websites.

Invasion of Privacy

At, we have the utmost respect for the privacy of our participants. Members can take comfort in the knowledge that none of their personal information will be posted on the forums, unless they choose to post it themselves. This means that no one is allowed to post another member's phone number, address, or any other private information. Any such posts will be removed.

Posts that request persons to submit personal information will also be removed. This includes, but is not limited to, communications that ask for personal information submitted via email, mail, telephone, surveys, and research studies unless this request is specifically asked for from a recognized administrator of

Commercial Messages

Posts containing promotional messages for commercial products or services -- included but not limited to Internet sites, business advertisements and solicitations -- will be removed. Additionally post containing to charitable organizations will also be removed. Unfortunately, it is impossible to verify the validity of each charitable organization, therefore, in an effort to protect users from fraud, we must prohibit solicitations for charities. We do reserve the privilege to post announcements for recognized charities directly associated with various causes.

If you spot an unauthorized commercial post, please report it to a moderator.

Copyright Material

Information copyrighted or owned by any individual or entity other than the person posting should not be posted on the forums or without the consent of the owner. If such an event occurs, the individual posting the information shall be held solely responsible. shall not be held responsible for posted information that may violate copyright law.

Duplicate Posts

Duplicate posts take two forms:

Identical posts placed on more than one discussion thread. Many participants in our community are very frequent visitors and weeding through the same message in multiple locations can be frustrating, and downright annoying. Good online manners dictate that you don't post the same message more than once. The online word for posting the same message in multiple locations is "spamming." We don't allow that.

Accidental duplicate posts in a single discussion thread. We do understand that, due to occasional server lag, duplicate posts may not be your fault. To request that accidental duplicate posts be deleted please contact a message board moderator.

Discipline of Members Violating Rules

Our strong preference is to never intervene in the membership of participants of the message boards, but certain actions noted above will lead to progressive discipline. Remember, posting to is a privilege, not a right. The sole recourse available to members disciplined is to cancel their membership, if they wish. Participation in the forum is not guaranteed.

Generally, members violating the rules will receive one warning regarding their violations. If they continue, their account will be suspended for one week. If there is an additional serious violation after that, they will be permanently banned. Please note that certain rules violations are so egregious that we may skip any or all progressive discipline steps, up to permanent banning of a member.

Reporting Posts

Posts that you believe to be in violation of these Terms and Conditions can be reported to the moderators using the "Report A Post" function, which is the exclamation point (!) in the icon list at the top right of every post. Rights reserves the right to remove a post which does not relate to the topic being discussed in the folder or on a specific forum. In addition, reserves the right to organize topical forums in order to best serve the majority of our visitors and members. also reserves the right to prohibit or delete messages that violate applicable laws or that may be harmful to others. That said, does not have the practical ability to restrict conduct or communications that might violate our guidelines prior to transmission on the Internet, nor can we ensure prompt removal of offending forum posts.

The content of messages does not constitute approval or necessarily reflect the views of You participate at your own risk on the forums, in chat and in email. You take responsibility for postings under your identification and use the information provided here at your own risk. takes no responsibility for the content or opinions posted here. You acknowledge’s ability to identify your posts, and that we will act in accordance with applicable laws.

Please note that we retain the right to edit and/or remove posts at any time, for any reason. By posting to a forum or chat on, you agree to abide by our Terms and Conditions.
Site Admin
Posts: 99
Joined: Wed Dec 31, 1969 8:00 pm
Location: The Internet

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