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Fess Parker-davey crockett

PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:29 pm
by Les Sherwood
Hi All
There was an obit in the NYT for Fess Parker who most of us knew him as Davey Crockett.
During the mid '50's he was on one of the famous TV shows and the song "The Ballad of Davey Crockett" , ..."Born on a mountaintop in Tennessee..." was very popular. While i was I was in my teens when he was most popupar I recall his Disney show very well.
how many of you youngers guys were involved in the craze of badgering your moms to get you a coonshin cap and other things , e.g. frontier costumes, crockett trading cards, toy muskets and board games, etc.?
the 50's were special and I think the "golden years for TV
Hope all is well.
I remember that Marie ellena mentioned th at she thought my name was Fess Parker.
I am sure she thinking of him as Davey.
