What A SMall World...

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What A SMall World...

Postby marie-elena (ferracano) r » Sun Oct 04, 2009 6:15 pm

Hi Friends,

Have to admit, I have become a "facebook" addict, recently. Sometimes, I joke with my family. That I feel like I am "cheating" or neglecting the Strattonpark site.

A teacher/co-worker, became a "Facebook friend". For those of you not familiar with facebook. You can have "mutual friends". Which means if someone you both know, has become your facebook
friend. It will show up as a "mutual" friend. There are times when a name appears, suggesting you become "friends" with this person. Because you both have more than one mutual "friend". ( Hope I explained this correctly, without sounding like a ditz). Anyway. This co-worker Maria & a childhood friend, Kitten. Both showed the same "friend" . Now I know Kitten lives in Louisana with her husband Michael. (another childhood friend from Beach ave.) So I thought how strange or what a coincidence. It seems that Gail (Butler) Michael's sister/Kitten' sister-in-law. Happens to be a former teacher of Maria's. As well as presently being Maria's friend. The young teacher from my school. So you see, no matter where you go or who you meet. Strattonpark & the people you grew up with. Always come back to you. Am off to enjoy the last of this beautiful Sunday. Stay safe dear friends.
marie-elena (ferracano) r
Posts: 152
Joined: Sat May 26, 2007 7:30 am

Re: What A SMall World...

Postby Marion Farrell Cronin » Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:14 pm

Hi marie-elena,

I have to admit that I too have become hooked on Facebook. When it was first suggested I join, I thought it was the dumbest idea ever. I quickly changed my mind when I connected with classmates I had not seen or heard from in 30+ years. I wish I had joined before St. Anthony's 100th Anniversary celebration. Several more people from my class would have come had they known about it!
Marion Farrell Cronin
Posts: 209
Joined: Sat Apr 21, 2007 8:44 am
Location: World Wide Web - via Bronx, NY

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